Title of Film
The title of our film (the chase) appears at the end of our first scene in the forest. The title is shown in a bank gothic font, in a white colour and a back background. This has more effect than if we used just a plain white background with white writing as it makes the title more bold and interesting, as it follows with the convention of the film. The main title appears over the close up of the characters face, this creates associations with the character, showing that she’s the main star and there’s the possibility that she’s the one that’s going to be chased. When the titles fade to black it creates tension about what will happen next.
The title of our film (the chase) appears at the end of our first scene in the forest. The title is shown in a bank gothic font, in a white colour and a back background. This has more effect than if we used just a plain white background with white writing as it makes the title more bold and interesting, as it follows with the convention of the film. The main title appears over the close up of the characters face, this creates associations with the character, showing that she’s the main star and there’s the possibility that she’s the one that’s going to be chased. When the titles fade to black it creates tension about what will happen next.
Setting and Location
Our first scene is in the forest. Action/thriller films have a large association with forests, due to the mysterious/dark nature to them. Although when filming, the sun was going down so it was appearing through the trees, causing the scene to be bright. This led to the scene not having the correct atmosphere, but when editing we filtered the chosen scenes and lowered the brightness. The following scene is set in a library; it was a place where people go every day, expecting nothing to happen to them. Also when the letter fell out of the book, the library seemed quite an eerie place.
In our opening scene our actress wore a simple t-shirt and jeans to represent a mature teenager. The props we used were a letter, we originally made 2 letters saying different things one saying `we’re watching you` and `don’t go down to the woods`. We then asked people’s opinions on which one they preferred and which would work best with our opening. Most people preferred the `don’t go down to the woods` so this was what we went with. We used a book in the library and a chair.
These are the two costumes our actress wore in the forest and library
Camera and Editing
To film our film opening, we used a film camera and a tripod. The tripod was extremely useful as it ensured we had a steady shot and avoided camera shake. To edit our opening we used final cut express. We used other programmes such as livetype and soundtrack for the credits and soundtrack.Title font/Style
Our title font was Bank Gothic, this was a squared shaped font which appealed to us the most, as we felt it went with the genre of our film well. We used the same font throughout the entire opening and used similar font transitions to make things flow smoother.Story and how opening sets it up
Our opening starts in the forest with the main character being chased. The title fades to black and reveals `2 weeks later`. So the forest scene is seen as a flashback. This is then followed by the library scene, of an establishing shot of the library. This creates the story already, as you have to find out what happens after the library to find out why the main character was being chased.Genre and how the opening suggests
The genre of our film is action/adventure. This is suggested in the opening by having the main character being chased through a forest, this creates a mysterious atmosphere as you wonder why she is the one getting chased and who’s chasing her. How the characters are introduced
Only one character is shown during the first two scenes. This shows she is an extremely important part in the film (main character). Obviously later on in the film more main characters will be introduced. Special FX
We didn’t use any special FX’s in our film as we didn’t have the opportunity too. Special FX’s are mainly used in films like Avatar or Harry Potter. In our film, we could of used a green screen, so we could easily chose an environment for our actors to be in